Sometimes all we want to eat is a great tasting, easy to cook and healthy supper. Fresh fish has the ability to tick all these boxes…and fast!
The wonderful people at Seafish, have shared another of their delicious recipes with a step by step guide of how to prepare it at home.
Sea Bream is widely used in restaurants across the UK and the Mediterranean, if you’re missing your travels to warmer climates this will give you the taste of the med in the comfort of your own home. It can be prepared by our fishmongers as either whole Sea Bream, or Sea Bream Fillets. For this recipe, we recommend whole Sea Bream, and if you would like the head removed we can do that for you, just add a comment in the comment box on your fish order.
If you prefer Sea Bass, this will also be perfect for this recipe. Bream and Bass are very similar and are often used in the same recipes.
Here’s the recipe to follow, and this dish could be on your table in under twenty minutes. Just don’t forget to order your Sea Bream!
